Effect of Some Factors on the Friction Between the Bolt Carrier and Receiver Assembly in Amphibious Rifle

Hung Nguyen Van, Doan Dao Van, Dung Nguyen Van
Khoa Vũ khí, Học viện Kỹ thuật Quân sự
Email: [email protected]
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Analyzing the friction between the bolt carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is an important problem to study the dynamic of automatic mechanism in amphibious rifles. In this paper, the influence of material, normal force, surface roughness and firing environment on the friction between the bolt Carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is carried out by using experimental method. The result of this research can be applied to dynamic analysis of automatic mechanism and design the amphibious rifle.

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Đánh giá:
Effect of Some Factors on the Friction Between the Bolt Carrier and Receiver Assembly in Amphibious Rifle Report description: Analyzing the friction between the bolt carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is an important problem to study the dynamic of automatic mechanism in amphibious rifles. In this paper, the influence of material, normal force, surface roughness and firing environment on the friction between the bolt Carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is carried out by using experimental method. The result of this research can be applied to dynamic analysis of automatic mechanism and design the amphibious rifle.

Effect of Some Factors on the Friction Between the Bolt Carrier and Receiver Assembly in Amphibious Rifle

Analyzing the friction between the bolt carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is an important problem to study the dynamic of automatic mechanism in amphibious rifles. In this paper, the influence of material, normal force, surface roughness and firing environment on the friction between the bolt Carrier and receiver assembly in amphibious rifles is carried out by using experimental method. The result of this research can be applied to dynamic analysis of automatic mechanism and design the amphibious rifle.
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